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Gas Charging Procedures

To connect the system to high-pressure (14.5MPa) hydrogen source, hydrogen pressure reducer and metallic pipelines (stainless steel or copper) must be used.
Purge the connection pipelines with light gas flow from the high-pressure tank before connecting it to the storage system. Use the pressure reducer to adjust the pressure in the feeding pipeline up to 3.5 MPa.
Turn on the system valve to begin the charging process. Due to the lower canister temperature, the rate of charging is higher in the beginning of the process, but it will slow down after.
The system is fully charged, if the pressure (3.5 MPa) remains unchanged within ~ 1-2 minutes, while the pressure reducer on the high-pressure tank is turned off. If the pressure decreased, it means that the system is not full charged and the charging procedure must be continued.
If the charge process is over, turn off the system valve and remove the connecting hose.
To reduce the charging time cold-water bath can be used. However, it is important to avoid between the main valve and the connector with water.
For systems with operating pressure higher than 0.7MPa, water bath with temperature below 10°C is recommended. Similarly, it is important to avoid any form of contact between the valve and connector with water.

Process can be reversed if the hydrogen pressure is lowered below some certain value. 
The gas desorption process will be accompanied with heat absorption from environment.

※ Important after-charging procedure ※

After the charging process is finished and the storage is disconnected from the high pressure hydrogen source, the pressure inside the storage remains on the level of the chosen charging pressure (about 3.5 MPa). Hence, before connecting the storage to any gas using equipment it's necessary to release some little amount (few percent from total storage capacity) of stored gas and reduce the pressure at least till the acceptable maximum pressure level of your equipment (probably ≤ 1 MPa) . 
This purging procedure, which takes only few seconds, will also release the gas impurities accumulated in the free space of the hydride-based storage making it much higher purity hydrogen source.



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